10 Promising Passive Income That Never Pay Money Easily


   Welcome to my blog post on “10 promising passive incomes that never pay money easily". In today's article I will show you some passive incomes ideal many thoughts as a game changer but don't pay easily. I must tell you these income streams might not seem like what you think rather than vaporizer promises I have seen myself. 

   Before I go further, let me tell you what passive income means. Passive income is an automated or a continuous cash flow source without you wasting too much of your time on it but gaining some money while doing other things that mean to you.

   It's everyone’s dream to get the best passive income that pays but it is difficult to know the one that does best. There are different channels out there revealing passive income that pays but at the end of the day after putting all your effort, you found yourself earning nothing.

   So, today I will reveal the secrets behind these promises and why those passive income streams never pay you for your time and effort.

   If you found this blog helpful, just keep reading until the end of today's topic. Let's go right into the content. 

The number one on the list in today's blog is:

1. Bet9ja

   You might be wondering what bet9ja is. As the name sounds like “bet", what comes to your mind first is gambling. For sure it is gambling network. 

   Bet9ja is a betting platform located in Nigeria. In fact, it's the biggest online betting network in Nigeria. Many Nigerians take this platform as their source of ending the rope of poverty(passive income). 

Unpaid passive income streams image
Unpaid Passive Income 

   If you are the type in Nigeria who loves betting. I think it's the right time to stop. Bet9ja might seems a lucrative ways to earn money fast with as low as #100-#150 to stake a bet. You should consider the risk that is associated with it. I never say it's wrong to try your luck on bet9ja. Many people have tried to make it through betting on this platform but it never seems good for them. 

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   Some even end up using their wife and husband to pay off debt. So, to avoid this financial burden. You should think of the risks that are locked behind this platform. It's better if you save your money for a long time than to lose them saying the game is fun. Nothing seems fun when you have lost your money. Be careful. 

2. Casino

   Casinos are another gambling platform mostly found in the USA and other parts of the world. Casinos can be found in places like restaurants, hotels and so many others.

   The US citizens take casinos as a source to earn passive income where individuals bet using a few dollars on slot machines. I will say as a citizen in the US, casinos might not be the best way to earn some extra income. It is better you find ways to invest those money rather than losing them to slot a bet.

   Many have been able to use casinos to make some decent money while others lose. Try to find out what you can do rather than to depend on placing bets. There's no shortcut to making money but it requires knowledge, dedication and hard work. Stay out from gambling today. 

3. Online Transcriptions Site

   If you are the type who always seeks for side hustle or passive income streams on YouTube, there's no way the content creator won't tell you to start online transcribing services. Although they won't tell you how it works.

   Transcription services required an individual to transcribe a recorded video or audio into a plain text either for podcast or interview purposes. Sites like: Rev, Scribe, transcribe me, and Go transcript; offer these services.

   You may not be able to earn money on these sites when you don't have any skills to transcribe or the tool for the job. This is the reason why you can't make money online even if you successfully sign up on this platform. 

   If you are not a professional freelancer or mostly a beginner, don't waste your time and money on these platforms just because you want to make $100-$300 an hour as they said. It is hard to make money with this type of job mostly if you are from a country where PayPal is limited.

4. Online Survey

   Survey sites are another passive income stream that may not pay you easily as a user. It is easy and fun to take surveys on most micro-task sites that promise users that they can earn cool money while taking surveys on their platform. From my past experience, it is not easy to earn with surveys. 

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   Most of the sites like Survey Junkies and Swagbucks might let you earn a few dollars but to withdraw the money is a problem. This is because they pay users poorly. It's advisable you try finding out online or offline what you love doing than wasting your time and data on these survey sites. 

5. Sponsored Web

   Sponsored web is one of the biggest passive incomes that promised users but never delivered as I have seen myself. Let me tell you what sponsored webs are.

   These sites are mainly tagged by most webmasters engines like Google and Bing anytime a user searches for a query. When a user follows these sponsored websites promoted by someone they are redirected to the page where they may promise users that they can earn $200-$500 an hour just by utilizing their web.

   For me, it is never true , in fact they can't give you that money but take the one you have. Sometimes these sites might turn out to be fraudulent in most cases. Please whenever you see a sponsored url on the SERP I advise you to ignore it right away. It's a 95% scam. They never pay you the money they promised. 

6. Working With Online Merchant

   Working with unknown merchants online is one of the most passive income on the web but highly dangerous. Many have lost their money by working with someone that they do not know to complete an online shopping task. 

   These merchants promised individuals that they can make money daily with them by helping them to complete some tasks while they will reward them with huge returns which never come true.

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   Many have fallen victim to turning $1 to $10,000 daily. You should always be aware of these merchants that won't pay you but steal your money. Be careful with these lucrative offers. Never go for them. It's dangerous. 

7. Affiliate Marketing

   Affiliate marketing is another one. If you want to make money online as an affiliate, do you ever ask yourself questions why you failed in making money online? From my last experienced, it might you don't have:

  • a. Blog: Having a blog can help you promote your services to your targeted audience easily. When you don't have it, that means you aren't ready to make money yet. It's highly important you have a blog where you can communicate with your audience to generate revenue.
  • b. Followers: If you don't have a blog, you can start publishing engaging posts that you love most on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. In this way, people who love what you do can start following you. Before you know it, you might have gathered many people to utilize your service. Affiliate marketing can't pay you easily when you do not have a place to promote your services to that targeted audience. It takes dedication and patience to earn money from affiliate marketing. 

8. Playing Money Games

   Playing money gaming is just like riding on a bicycle tire. There are many of these games out there promising users that they can earn free money by playing games and rewarding them with coins and cash.

   One of the most popular ones is the Bingo game with so many of them I can't mention. In this game, you will need to complete a task and watch a video to deposit your money which they claim you can withdraw via PayPal

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   So many games like this on Google play store claim you can earn money using their app. It could be better if you get something nice for yourself than wasting your time on this game while helping them to monetize which you will never get paid for

   The money and coins they reward users are virtual rewards. That means you can never withdraw that money or use it. So my friend, stay away from money making games and focus on what people around the world can value what you do.

9. Watching Ads Videos

   On YouTube, I have seen different channels promising users that they can make up to $100-$400 by watching ads videos. I was like what company can pay this huge amount of money just to watch ads.

   These video ads organizations designed this to help them monetize their channel or website. They will never reveal the truth. I always said any passive income streams that promise huge rewards with minimal effort could either result in scam or time wasting. Watching videos online can't pay easily. This is because it is just about the advertiser, not you, who is looking for ways to make money online. Be careful and always do research before taking steps.

10. Money Making Apps

   Money making apps is another promised passive income stream that never pays easily. These apps promised users that they could earn money by watching videos, taking surveys, playing puzzle games and more. From my last experience, these games never pay but cease the money that you have earned so far on the app.

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   Others may promise to teach you skills to start earning from them but require you to pay them to further the training. All of these are time wasting and in vain effort. The best thing is to ignore these apps and focus on what will benefit other than looking to make money online quickly. No shortcut to make money online. 


   Here at the end, I have provided top tips that can help anyone find the best passive income that pays rather than wasting time on the ones that prey individuals.

   It is always a great idea to start passive income streams but at the same time it's advisable to look onto the most common 25 promising sides that pay well. These ten passive incomes are common but didn't pay. I myself have tried to make money from them but found nothing after the time and days I have spent on it.

   If this happens then what do you do? It's better you start a blog around the niche you think you have knowledge about and publish your knowledge to the world. From time to time. Trust me, you will make something out of it. Just ignore those olden days' knowledge of earning $100-$1000 daily. This may lead to scam or time wasting. It never pays. We have been there before.

   So, go back to the article and find a way you can apply this to your day to day hustling to find a fortune rather than losing money hoping to make it someday. Nothing like that. Take a bold step today and let your dedication and persistence work for you. 

   Thanks for reading. We appreciate you for the time you spent. Keeping on visiting us always to put your financial success on track. 

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