The Popular Excuses People Make To Stay In Debt


   I understand how tempting it can be to make excuses to stay in debt. Believe me, this is not a trap. The truth is that these excuses only hold us back from aiming our financial independence and living a life free from the surge of debt. 

   Be patient with me, I will show you some of the popular excuses that people often make to justify staying in debt, and why it's essential to break free from these mindsets.

Debt excuses image
Debt Excuses 

   One of the excuses that people use is that debt is inevitable and everyone has it. I can't debate that! It's true that many people do have debt, it doesn't necessarily mean that we should just accept it and not strive to be debt-free. 

   So, working on these excuses on time, we can take the necessary steps to break free from the cycle of debt and build a stable environment for our finances.

   Keep reading, if you really want to know more about these excuses.

1. Just One More

Just one more goes this way. You may be prone to say, “I will just make this one last purchase and then I will start saving again.”

However, this sense of mentality always leads to an ongoing cycle of unnecessary expenses that bring more debt.

Example: Buying that extra pair of shoes or going out for dinner instead of cooking at home can add up quickly, leaving you struggling to meet that specific goal.

Protecting the way you spend money by telling yourself that you deserve to live a normal life like others. You may start to say, “I work hard, so I deserve to enjoy everything now and then.”

While it's nice to enjoy everything in your life, it's wise to first take your finances seriously and avoid unnecessary expenses that could push you deeper into debt.

Also, “just one more” purchase can be harshly dangerous when it comes to credit cards. You may think, “I will just charge it to my card and worry about paying it off later.” Forgetting high-interest rates and minimum monthly payments, that one purchase can quickly grow into a debt that takes years to pay off.

So, try as much as possible to avoid “just one more” mentality while owing debt and take first what is needed to put your finances in a good condition.

2. Tomorrow I Will Pay

Postponing your debts can be a common excuse to stay in debt. You may say, “tomorrow I will pay it” or “I will plan against it next month.” However, this procrastination only prolongs the cycle of debt and can lead to more problems in the future. 

Failing to make your payment on your debts not only increases the amount you owe but also distracts your ability to save for the future. You must avoid pushing off your payments for the other days.

The sense of “tomorrow I will pay” can also create a false sense of security. You may think that you have plenty of time to address your debt, only to find yourself overwhelmed by increased bills and interest charges.

By taking action today and planning debt repayment, you can regain control of your financial debt fast and work towards living in a free debt environment. 

Remember, dodging your debt repayment ability might bring many negative things in the future. By taking time to address every excuse of “tomorrow I will pay" gradually you will end every debt burden from finances.

3. Everyone Has Debt

Among many people, it's easy to justify debt by saying, “everyone has debt.” You may want to compare yourself to friends, family, or even colleagues who are living in debt and use this as a reason to continue borrowing money.

However, it's wise to know that each individual's financial situation is unique, and what works for others may not be the best choice for you.

Using this excuse "everyone has debt" can create a sense of deception and prevent you from debt action to address your own financial challenges. 

Instead of focusing on what others are doing, it's wise to check your own financial goals and priorities and make decisions that align with your personal values rather than comparing yourself with others.

Although it's true that many people carry debt, please know that the consequences of staying in debt are different from person to person. High-interest rates, late fees, and a lack of financial independence are just a few of the risks associated with ongoing debt. 

Remember, your own debt situation is unique and comparing yourself to others will not necessarily be the best option or decision you should believe. 

4. I Need It

One of the excuses people make to stay in debt is assuring themselves that they need the item they are buying. 

Whether it is a new gadget, a designer handbag, or the latest phone, telling yourself that you need it can lead to unnecessary purchase and debt. It is vital to distinguish between wants and needs in order to make a profitable decision towards your finances.

The mentality of “I need it” can be harsh at times when it comes to lifestyle inflation. As your income increases, you may feel justified in spending on items you believe are essential to your comfort or happiness. 

However, this mindset can quickly lead to overspending and accumulating debt that could have been avoided with careful plans. 

Remember, questioning whether you truly need an item before making a purchase can help you avoid staying in debt. 

By practicing caring spending and differentiating between desires and necessities, you can take control of your financial future and work towards a debt-free lifestyle.

5. Money Comes and Goes

Another popular excuse that I have found people make to stay in debt is that money comes and goes. Can you imagine that? You may say, “I will make more money in the end, so it's okay to spend now.”

However, this mentality can lead to a continuous cycle of debt and financial instability if not addressed immediately.

The misunderstanding that money is always available can create an insecurity and prevent you from prioritizing savings or debt repayment. 

By assuming that you will always have money to come back, you may neglect the importance of living towards your means and may hinder the chances of your debt repayment priorities.

Remember, by understanding the role of money in your life and making conscious choices to prioritize a stable financial state you can avoid the temptations of excessive debt and move towards a more prosperous future.


   By understanding and striving to leave these excuses we make, we can take the necessary steps to address them and work towards fulfilling our financial desires. 

   I have highlighted some common excuses such as I need it, tomorrow I will pay, and everyone has debt. 

   By paying attention to these excuses for what they are, we can start creating awareness in tackling these excuses whenever they come to our mind.

   So, I encourage you to work on the excuses you may be making to stay in debt and take proactive steps towards breaking free from their hold. 

   Remember, the first thing towards financial independence is knowing the excuses we make and being willing to make changes.

   Together we can break free from these excuses that caused us all to stay in debt. 

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